Service graphs
Graph Information
This graph shows the value of all S.M.A.R.T attributes of drive sdb (SanDiskSSDG5BICS4). smartctl_exit_status is the return value of smartctl. A non-zero return value indicates an error, a potential error, or a fault on the drive.
Field |
Internal name |
Type |
Warn |
Crit |
Info |
Power_Cycle_Count |
Power_Cycle_Count |
gauge |
---: |
Total_LBAs_Read |
Total_LBAs_Read |
gauge |
---: |
Reported_Uncorrect |
Reported_Uncorrect |
gauge |
---: |
Available_Reservd_Space |
Available_Reservd_Space |
gauge |
004: |
Unknown_Attribute |
Unknown_Attribute |
gauge |
---: |
Total_LBAs_Written |
Total_LBAs_Written |
gauge |
---: |
Unknown_SSD_Attribute |
Unknown_SSD_Attribute |
gauge |
---: |
End_to_End_Error |
End_to_End_Error |
gauge |
---: |
UDMA_CRC_Error_Count |
UDMA_CRC_Error_Count |
gauge |
---: |
Reallocated_Sector_Ct |
Reallocated_Sector_Ct |
gauge |
---: |
Media_Wearout_Indicator |
Media_Wearout_Indicator |
gauge |
---: |
Temperature_Celsius |
Temperature_Celsius |
gauge |
---: |
Command_Timeout |
Command_Timeout |
gauge |
---: |
Power_On_Hours |
Power_On_Hours |
gauge |
---: |
smartctl_exit_status |
smartctl_exit_status |
gauge |
1 |